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Samson Abramsky

University of Oxford, U.K.,

Partial boolean algebras and the logical exclusivity principle

(joint work with Rui Soares Barbosa)

Kochen and Specker’s seminal work on contextuality used the formalism of partial boolean algebras. Unlike quantum logic in the sense of Birkhoff – von Neumann, partial boolean algebras only admit physically meaningful operations. We describe a refinement of current approaches to contextuality, in particular the sheaf-theoretic and graph-theoretic approaches, to incorporate partial boolean algebras. We discuss some striking and little-known results of Conway and Kochen (not the so-called “Free Will Theorem”!) in relation to this. We introduce a new axiom for partial boolean algebras, the Logical Exclusivity Axiom, and show that all probability models based on partial boolean algebras satisfying this axiom obey Specker’s Exclusivity Principle.