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Masanao Ozawa

Chubu University & Nagoya University, Japan,

Intersubjectivity of Quantum Measurement II

In a previous workshop, QCQMB 2017, it was shown that if two observers simultaneously measure the same observable, represented by the same self-adjoint operator, then they always obtain the same outcome [1]. Thus, the outcome of a measurement of a specific observable at a specific time is uniquely determined independent of observers to measure. This suggests that the measurement ascertains the pre-existing value of the measured observable in contrast to the standard view. Here, we show that if one measures an observable A in an unknown state ψ in a Hilbert space H by an apparatus prepared in a state ξ in another Hilbert space K with the meter M by the interaction from time 0 to τ with the time evolution described by a unitary operator U on HK, then A(0) = A I and M(τ) = U(I M)U commute in a common invariant subspace of HK including H[ξ] and have the joint probability distribution P(A(0) = x,M(τ) = y) such that P(A(0) = x,M(τ) = y) = 0 if x = y in any state in H[ξ] [2]. Therefore, a measurement reproduces the value of A at the time just before the measurement as the value of the meter at the time just after the measurement. We argue about reconciliations of apparent contradictions with the Copenhagen interpretation, the Quantum Baysean interpretation, and the common interpretation of the Kochen-Specker theorem. We also argue that our result enforces Bohr’s complementarity view that the measurement arrangement defines the value of the observable to be measured. We conclude that the pre-existing value of the observable to be measured can be uniquely defined contextually to be revealed by the measurement independent of observers, whereas quantum mechanics does not predict the value but only its probability distribution.

[1] M. Ozawa (2017), Intersubjectivity of Quantum Measurement, QCQMB 2017, Abstracts, pp. 27–28, available at

[2] M. Ozawa (2019), Intersubjectivity of outcomes of quantum measurements, preprint available at (