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Important Dates and Announcements

17-Dec (all times are local time (CET))
from to Speaker Title
09:20 AM 09:30 AM Welcome
09:30 AM 10:00 AM Adam Brandenburger Agreement and disagreement in a non-classical world - Slides
10:00 AM 10:30 AM Dagomir Kaszlikowski An operational approach to bi-locality - Slides
10:30 AM 11:00 AM Paweł Kurzyński Quasi-probability approach to Kochen-Specker theorem - Slides
11:00 AM 11:30 AM Kelvin Onggadinata Qubit from classical collision entropy - Slides
11:30 AM 12:00 PM Rafael Rabelo Synchronous observation of Bell nonlocality and state-dependent contextuality - Slides
12:00 PM 14:00 PM Break
14:00 PM 14:30 PM Samson Abramsky Combining contextuality and causality I - Slides
14:30 PM 15:00 PM Amy Searle Combining contextuality and causality II - Slides
15:00 PM 15:30 PM Adán Cabello What is the relation between AVN, PT, and FN? - Slides
15:30 PM 15:45 PM Break
15:45 PM 16:15 PM Philippe Grangier Contextuality, nonlocality, causality, and the incompleteness of quantum mechanics - Slides
16:15 PM 16:45 PM Alisson Tezzin Impossibility theorem for extending contextuality to disturbing systems - Slides
16:45 PM 18:55 PM Discussion
19:00 PM 21:00 PM Conference Dinner in Restaurant Klub Lavka
18-Dec (all times are local time (CET))
from to Speaker Title
9:30 AM 10:00 AM Shane Mansfield Addressing the compatibility loophole in the absence of space- like separation -
10:00 AM 10:30 AM Cihan Okay Simplicial quantum contextuality - Slides
10:30 AM 11:00 AM Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh and Ian Lo Kin Syntactic ambiguities of natural language in sheaf theoretic and CbD models of contextuality - Slides
11:00 AM 11:30 AM Daphne Wang and Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh Causality and signaling of garden-path sentences - Slides
11:30 AM 12:00 PM Matthias Kleinmann State-independent contextuality with nonunit rank - Slides
12:00 PM 14:00 PM Break
14:00 PM 14:30 PM Ravishankar Ramanathan Optimal measurement structures for contextuality applications - Slides
14:30 PM 15:00 PM Rui Soares Barbosa Causal contextuality and adaptive MBQC - Slides
15:00 PM 15:30 PM Sivert Aasnæss Every non-local game leads to quantum advantage with shallow circuits - Slides
15:30 PM 15:45 PM Break
15:45 PM 16:15 PM Martin Plávala Contextuality as a precondition for entanglement - Slides
16:15 PM 16:45 PM Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov Free choice, causality, contextuality, and signed measures - Slides
16:45 PM 18:55 PM Discussion